Youth Coordinator: Matt Gambrell
ALL are welcome in NGC of Abbeville's youth group. We pride ourselves in not only using the Gospel but the entirety of the Bible, as the foundation of what we teach to our young people. I believe that lessons can't only be taught from an experience or story but they need to be backed up by scripture... From 6th - 12th grade, male or female, EVERY single race is welcome to attend our time with one another. We offer a wonderful, light hearted time of fellowship, games and challenges while communicating throughout the week, with not only you but your young people. Keeping them close to the fire and enabling them to feel like they actually belong with us, is one of our many goals. Weekly meals on Sunday evenings, outings and excursions as well as summer camp and 5th quarter activities (during football season) are just some of things you can expect. If you'd like to talk or set up a time to meet, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via email or by phone. We look forward to hearing from you and your child.
Office: 864-519-9570