- Grace was originally founded as Grace United Methodist Church on March 9, 1901. This occurred shortly after The Reverend A. S. Lesley had been sent from the Greenwood Mill Methodist Episcopal Church, South to organize a new church in Abbeville, SC.
- A tract of land was purchased on Brooks Street and deeded to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and a new church was born!
- The first church building was completed July 7, 1901, and was named "Grace" Methodist Church for Miss Grace Killingsworth, the daughter fo Dr. S. F. Killingsworth, who was vitally interested in the newly organized congregation. The Reverend J. H. Graves became the first official pastor of Grace Church.
- On Monday night, February 16, 1903, the church on Brooks Street was completely destroyed by a wind storm. On February 18, 1904, a lot was purchased on South Main Street, and a new building was erected by "day laborers."
- In the latter part of 1904, the congregation moved into the new church building on South Main. The congregation worshiped in this building until June 17, 1920, when a fire destroyed the church building.
- Services were then held in a schoolhouse on South Main Street until a new church building could be erected. The congregation moved back into a new church building in late 1920 or early 1921. Sunday School and worship services were held in this small building for many years.
- In the late 1950's, an Educational Building was built with eight Sunday School rooms; two offices; and a fellowship hall with a kitchen.
- A dream came true for Grace Church in 1973, when the old sanctuary was torn down, and a new sanctuary was built on the same lot, but now facing Greenwood Street. Inaugural services were held in this building on December 2, 1973.
- Grace Church began in 1901 with some 12-15 members. Even before that time, a group of Christians in Abbeville had been meeting and studying the Bible and catechism, so those faithful people were the ones really responsible for making Grace Church a reality.
- Grace continues to move forward in faith, ministering to many and bringing Glory to God each day.
Office: 864-519-9570
email: newgracechurch29620@gmail.com