New Beginnings Circle

Chair: Team Leadership format

New Beginnings Circle is comprised of faithful women who meet the first Monday of each month in the home of one of our members.

  • All Ladies of New Grace Church are invited to attend and share an evening of food, faith, fellowship, and fun.
  • We minister to each other and to anyone in need. If you need a friend; prayer; or material needs, or just need a friend to talk to, we are ready to be there for you.
  • We share life together - the good, the bad, and everything in between.
  • God's Word is our guide; Jesus is our Savior; and the Holy Spirit is our strength & comfort.
  • These faith-centric Ladies are available to members and guests to support and guide.
    • Please contact Gail or Cheryl via this email address "

Join us as "We learn to know Jesus more, and make Jesus known."


Office: 864-519-9570